Friday, September 24, 2010

Explain SMP and MPP systems?

In terms of software, there are two different types of database software: symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and massively parallel processing (MPP).

An SMP database system is a database system that runs on one or more machines with several identical processors sharing the same disk storage. When an SMP database system runs on more than one machine, it is called a clustered configuration. The database is physically located in a single disk storage system.

Examples of SMP database systems are SQL Server, Oracle, DB/2, Informix, and Sybase.

An MPP database system is a database system that runs on more than one machine where each machine has its own disk storage. The database is physically located in several disk storage systems that are interconnected to each other. An MPP database system is also known as a parallel database system.
Examples of MPP database systems are Teradata, Neoview, Netezza, and DATAllegro.

The machines in SMP and MPP database systems are called nodes.

An MPP database system is faster and more scalable than an SMP database system. In an MPP database system, a table is physically located in several nodes, each with its own storage


  1. Hi all,

    MPP is similar to symmetric processing, with the main difference being that in SMP systems all the CPUs share the same memory, whereas in MPP systems, each CPU has its own memory. Thanks a lot.....

    Windows Auditing
