Extract, Load, and Transform (ELT):
In the ELT approach, we pull the data from the source systems, load it into the data warehouse, and then apply the transformation by updating the data in the warehouse. In the ELT approach, essentially we copy the source system (OLTP) data into the data warehouse and transform it there. People usually take the ETL approach if they have a strong ETL server and strong software that is rich with all kinds of transformation and data quality processe
People usually take the ELT approach if they have a strong data warehouse database system, usually MPP database systems. Massively parallel processing (MPP) is a group of servers (called nodes), and each node has its own memory, processor, and disk
ELT stands for Extract Load and Transform and is a technique for moving and transforming data from one location and format to another instance and format. In this style of integration, the target DBMS becomes the transformation engine. This is in contrast to traditional ETL, or Extract Transform and Load which is the traditional technique for moving and transforming data in which an ETL engine that is separate from either the source or target DBMS performs the data transformations. Learn more Intellipaat Informatica Training